
Welcome to my blog. It’s a work in progress— just like me! I document my adventures in living a life following the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Oceans (I May Fail but God Won't)

My faith journey has been long and journeyed and is still so far from being complete. But one thing that has remained the same is that God’s number 1 way of speaking to me is through music. And Oceans is one of the songs that reaffirms that every time I hear it— mostly because it is our song.

The first time I heard the song was in college, during Adoration following Mass. I don’t know what it was, but something in the song just struck me. It was exactly what I needed in that moment. I was struggling with sin, unable to breathe or move beneath the weight of all of that shame I carried. And then suddenly this song came on and it was like God was giving me the words I needed— the words to call out to Him, to ask Him to deepen my faith, the words I couldn’t say on my own. And ever since then, whenever I hear that song it is exactly what I need in that moment.

I think the most amazing part of the song is that it’s not about being perfect. It’s not about doing it on my own, it’s not me coming to God and giving Him everything I have with my own power. Because honestly? I can’t do that. But Oceans is about God taking me out to where I cannot stand and I have to rely on Him.

Because that’s what Faith is. Faith is not sitting comfortably at home— you can have Faith that way, but it really grows when you let God take you out on the deep end and you have no choice but to rely on Him.

Remember, “[He’s} never failed, and [He] won’t start now.”

Peace. Hope. Love.

God Bless,

Megan Hughes

Calling and Charisms-- Why I Started a Blog